Jelena Perišić

''My Inner Peace Time'' And ''Self-Development'' Sections

I've made a stupid mistake and I wonder if it can be fixed somehow. I'm on my 17th day of meditation (IPT), but I guess I've been mistakenly writing/saving these posts in the IPT journal via ''My Inner Peace Time'' section on my profile, where they're labeled as ''Extra''. I didn't know what this means, I assumed it's the same if you post via ''My Inner Peace Time'' or ''Self-Development'' section... until now, when I tried to post via ''Self-Development'' section (since I've been having problems with posting in the journal from ''My Inner Peace Time'' since March 12, as many others  -  I've even been writing in a .doc file since March 12, so I could post later, when the problem is fixed). And then I saw that all these days I've been meditating and all these entries really didn't count before, only from now on (now labeled as ''SD Day1'', ''... 2'' and so on). It's a really stupid mistake, since I have to start all over again... I tried to transfer the existing posts to the ''Self-Development'' section, but no avail, I'm allowed to post only once every 24 hours.

I can't hope that this can be fixed, but I still have to ask: is there at least a remote possibility that these posts I already have written (labeled as ''Extra'') could count somehow? Can they be read at all by someone else, what are they exactly? It's a bit meaningless to start posting now from the ''Self-Development'' section, since these previous (''Extra'') posts have to be read too, so that each of my meditation sessions are fully understood...

Sorry about the long post, I'd be grateful to anyone who could read it. If anyone knows something about this  -  thanks in advance.

Submitted on 19 Mar 2015 00:01

Alejandro Gutiérrez Alzate

Hi Jelena,

Those "Extra" posts that you mentioned can be read by others according to the settings you chose at the moment of saving the entrances. If what you mean is if the could count somehow for your fellowship application, I don't think so because they are a shorter version of the IPT and they don't include all the activities that are part of the SDP but you can ask your Peace Coach and the Fellowship Manager to see if something can be done. The "Extra" post are a way for Peace Rebels who have finished their SDP to keep writing their Daily meditation experience.

I hope I could solve some of your doubts.

Submitted on 9 Apr 2015 06:17 from Ariya App