Every Journey Begins With A Single Step!

Hey guys,

I wanted to use the opportunity to say hi to everyone. I am just finishing my Week 1 of Self-Development and I would like to say a big thank you for guiding videos. They have done more for me in 1 week than I have done for my whole life. Also thanks to all of you who I have been in contact with so far, you're really great!

I truly hope to talk and meet as many people here as possible since we're all on a similar yet so profoundly personal journeys. Albeit, we can still share our experiences and knowledge! That is something I am really looking forward to. 


Submitted on 13 Mar 2012 02:05

Praveen Sharma

I'm glad to see that you are doing so well so quickly!

Submitted on 13 Mar 2012 09:49 from Ariya App