Webmaster Peace Revolution

PIPO: 1-24-4-1 Campaign In Alexandria

Egyptian civilization’s most prominent legacy to the world was that of its great ancient wisdom. Egyptians built the pyramids – one of the few truly miraculous structures that exist on the Earth today. Humankind could never have imagined seeing such creations, were it not for the Egyptian’s astuteness and foresight.

These man-made World Wonders is a heritage left for our generation by the generations long past. Now, by means of the “PIPO: 1-24-4-1” campaign, Egypt will once again show the world a marvel that seems far beyond the dreams of humankind, the wonder of true and sustainable peace. This most sought-after dream will become reality through the collaboration of the Institute for Peace Studies (IPS), Alexandria, and Peace Revolution, Thailand.

Bibliotheca Alexandrina (The Library of Alexandria), Egypt

In September 2010, Peace Revolution will be working on the “PIPO: 1-24-4-1” global campaign to encourage young peace activists across the globe to cultivate one-hour inner peace time a day (Peace In or PI) that will be the driving force for their peace projects (Peace Out or PO) for one peace (4-1), hence, PIPO: 1-24-4-1. On the International Day of Peace 21st September 2010, Peace Revolution crews will work with The Institute for Peace Studies (IPS), Alexandria to organize meditation sessions at Bibliotheca Alexandrina (The Library of Alexandria). The purpose is to demonstrate a easy way to access individual inner peace that can lead to sustainable changes in personal, family, society and global levels.

Institute for Peace Studies (IPS) and Peace Revolution
Institute for Peace Studies (IPS), Alexandria and Peace Revolution (Thailand)

The 2010 International Day of Peace is a great opportunity for the world to realize that this 1 in 24 hours (1-24) of inner peace time will develop peace of mind that can contribute to the construction of peace in families, societies and the world. This 1-24 will be a capital that the peacemakers who gather together in Alexandria will take home with them and use to create millions of hours of peace in their society as a neo heritage for future generations.

International Day of Peace Schedule at Bibliotheca Alexandrina

21 Sep 2010 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Director's Office Sector | Festival | Open For Public

Organized by the Institute for Peace Studies (IPS), several activities will be held for children such as origami, face-Painting and music. A musical evening will be held so that everyone can share in celebrating the values of peace, tolerance and understanding. A presentation about inner peace and meditation will also be held.

Submitted on 6 Sep 2010 14:43

Wasalee Chatsuthipan

Oh.. What a beautiful country! It's fantastic. "PIPO: 1-24-4-1" starts here ... That's the real PEACE

Osama ...I wish to join you :)

Submitted on 14 Sep 2010 02:51 from Ariya App

Zafar Iqbal

PIPO in Egypt! Fantastic.

Submitted on 22 Apr 2011 17:54 from Ariya App